Fat Kid Suit

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Want my opinion? You can have it! I don’t want it anymore.

An Editorial About Opinion

Gone are the days when humans were solo buoys floating in foggy waters, signaling to each other with simple flashing lights or the occasional bleat of their horns.

The internet has changed that.  And while it may have spawned some new visual art and original storytelling; it appears that the primary byproduct created when humans swim in cyberspace is opinion.

What Is My Opinion Worth?

According to futurist Jacque Fresco, probably not a whole lot.

This guy fascinates me, and when I was watching him interviewed recently I noticed he was exasperated with an interviewer who kept asking Jacque what he thought, about what others thought, about what he thought.

As silly as that sounds, that is pretty much what it has come to, isn’t it?  Most discussions now seem centered on who thinks what about who said something, or a criticism of what was said about what was originally said. AKA the world as a “forum.”

When the journalist pressed Jacque and said something patronizing like “Don’t you want to hear everyone’s opinion?”, he made it very clear that he doesn’t.  He couldn’t believe others wasted their time weighing in on issues they knew little or even nothing about (interfering with meritorious discussion), or listening to and arguing with people who had no direct knowledge or experience to contribute.  I wonder if Jacque uses Facebook?


Facebook! What you talkin bout willis?

One More Stink Fish

Looking over my past blog posts I can see I’ve just been adding to this morass as if there were not already enough dead and dying opinions strewn across our cyber-shores. Like most webitorial, if you read between my lines you will find plenty of speculation and manipulation (try as I might the occasional adverb seduces me).

Recently I had one of those flash-of-light type personal revelations.  It was about opinions, and the result is that I no longer want to have them.

How could that possibly work? I don’t know.  And why would I give up that most holy of birthrights–my opinion?  Well, if I can’t be opinion-less, I’d like to at least have less opinions.

I will be exploring (on & off this blog) ways to experience things more fully than relying on my opinions/beliefs.  I suspect our beliefs and the compulsion to share them with others actually get in the way of us truly experiencing anything–other than the experience of sharing our opinion.

I’m in contact with several press agents, and am hoping that I can get Buddha, OSHO, and perhaps even Charles Fort to make guest appearances soon…